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Evolving through Yoga

One of the things I most love about yoga is that it meets us where we are. When we settle down on the mat (or rug, or chair or bed...) to...

Yoga Nidra: The Yoga of Sleep

Yoga Nidra, often called the yoga of sleep, is a practice of deep relaxation in which one is guided to a mental state between dreaming...

What is Yoga?

When I first started doing yoga, like many people in the western world, I was drawn to the physical practice. The way it calmed my mind...

Yoga for Balance in the Four Bodies

A lot of yoga philosophy involves multiple bodies- not just our physical body, but other subtle energetic bodies, such as intellectual,...

Chitta Vritti - Mind Chatter

In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, one of the key foundational texts of yoga, he breaks down thoughts and thought patterns, which he calls...

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